. The works of Francis Bacon . s, wliich byyour majefty, next under God, wc do enjoy •, which bind us to wifli unto your Ute fulnefa A SPEECH USED TO THE KING. fulnefs of days; and unto your line royal a fucceffion and continuance even untothe worlds end. It refteth, that unto thefe petitions here included I do add one more that goethto them all: which is, that if in the words and frame of them there be any thingoffenfive; or that we have exprelTed ourfelves otherwife than we fhould or would;that your majefty would cover it and caft the veil of your grace upon it -, and ac-cept of our good int
. The works of Francis Bacon . s, wliich byyour majefty, next under God, wc do enjoy •, which bind us to wifli unto your Ute fulnefa A SPEECH USED TO THE KING. fulnefs of days; and unto your line royal a fucceffion and continuance even untothe worlds end. It refteth, that unto thefe petitions here included I do add one more that goethto them all: which is, that if in the words and frame of them there be any thingoffenfive; or that we have exprelTed ourfelves otherwife than we fhould or would;that your majefty would cover it and caft the veil of your grace upon it -, and ac-cept of our good intentions, and help them by your benign interpretation. Laftly, I am moft humbly to crave a particular pardon for myfelf that have ufedthefe few words; and fcarcely fhould have been able to have ufed any at all, in re-fpedt of the reverence which I bear to your perfon and judgment, had I not beenfomewhat relieved and comforted by the experience, which in my fervice and ac-cefs I have had of your continual grace and favour. 213. [ =4 ] SPEECH of the Kings SO LICI TOR, Uled unto tlie Lords at a conference by commifTion from the Comrnons,moving and perfuading the Lords to ioin witli the Commons in petition tothe King, to obtain liberty to treat of a compofition with his mnjcfty for WARDS and TENURES. In the Parliament 7 Jacobi. THE knights, citizens, and biirgefles of the houfe of commons have com-manded me to dehver to your lordfliips the caufes of the conference by themprayed, and by your lordfliips aflented, for tlie fecond bufineis of this day. Theyhave had report made unto them faithfully of his majeftys anfwer declared by mylord Treafurcr, touching their humble dcfire to obtain liberty from his majelly totreat of compounding for tenures. And firft, they thinlc themfclves much boundunto his majefty, that in re nova, in which cafe princes ufe to be apprchcnfive, hehath made a gracious conltrudion of their propofition. And fo much they knowof that, that belongs to tlic grcatnef
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Keywords: ., bookauthorbaconfrancis15611626, booksubjectbaconfrancis15611626