Sermons preached upon several occasions . ant and overthrow one another 5and God will be fure to anfwer him accord-ing to what he does, and not according towhat he prays. And therefore let us take heed of puttinga Cheat or Fallacy upon ourfelves, a Fallacy,a bene conjunElis ad male divifa 5 by dividingbetween thefe two great Duties; and divi-ding, we know, in fome Cafes, is in effectdeflroying, and it will prove fo in this. Watch-fulnefs and Prayer are indeed principal Du-ties, and of principal Acceptance with God,but God accepts them only as he commandsthem, and that is, both together. God ha

Sermons preached upon several occasions . ant and overthrow one another 5and God will be fure to anfwer him accord-ing to what he does, and not according towhat he prays. And therefore let us take heed of puttinga Cheat or Fallacy upon ourfelves, a Fallacy,a bene conjunElis ad male divifa 5 by dividingbetween thefe two great Duties; and divi-ding, we know, in fome Cafes, is in effectdeflroying, and it will prove fo in this. Watch-fulnefs and Prayer are indeed principal Du-ties, and of principal Acceptance with God,but God accepts them only as he commandsthem, and that is, both together. God hasjoined them by an abfolute, irreversible Sanc-tion 5 and what God himfelf has fo joined^let not the Devil, or our own falfe Hearts,prefume to put afunder. But let us take this both $66 The Seventh Difcourfe^&c. both for our Direction and our Comfort,that proportionably as we watch, God willanfwer us when wcflray. To whom be rendred and afcribd, as ismoft due, all Traife, Might, Majefty,and Dominion, both now and for ever-more. PROV. ( 1*7 ) PROV. xxviii. i6. He who trufleth in his own Heart isa Fool. r~¥~^1 H E great Inftrument and Engine forJL the carrying on of the Commerce andmutual Intercourfes of the World is Truft,without which there can be no Correfpon-dence maintained either between Societiesor particular Perfons. And accordingly be-ing a Thing of fuch general and immediateInfluence upon the Affairs of Mankind, thereis nothing in the Management of whichMen give fuch great Experiments either oftheir Wifdom or their Folly \ the whole Mea-sure ofthefe being taken by the World, ac-cording as it fees Men more or lefs deceivedin their tranfa&ing with others. Certain itis that Credulity lays a Man infinitely opento the Abufes and Injuries of crafty tho zftvong Belief beft fecures the Feli-city of the future Life, yet it is ufually thegreat Bane and Supplanter of our Happincfsin this 5 there being fcarce any Man, who arrives 368 ADtfcourfe upon arrives to a

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Keywords: ., bookauthorsouthrobert16341716, booksu, booksubjectsermonsenglish