"An Algerine funeral". Algeria. MIDDLETON 1779 old antique print picture

An Algerine funeral. Artist/engraver/cartographer: Wale delin. Taylor Sculp. Provenance: A New and Complete System of Geography containing a full accurate, authentic and interesting account and description of Europe, Asia, Africa and America etc. by Charles Theodore Middleton printed fo Pater-noster Row, London. Type: Antique copperplate print.

Size: 2297px × 3570px
Location: Algeria
Photo credit: © Antiqua Print Gallery / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1779, 18th, account, accurate, africa, algeria, algerine, america, antique, asia, authentic, century, charles, complete, cooke, copperplate, delin, eighteenth, europe, fo, full, funeral, geography, interesting, london, middleton, noster, pater, print, printed, row, sculp, society, system, taylor, theodore, vintage, wale