. The new Magdalen : a novel . room at the same time—apparently with the intention of leaving Itby the door at the opposite end. You are not going away ? exclaimedLady Janet. I see no use In my remaining here, re-plied Horace, not very graciously. In that case, retorted Lady Janet, re-main here because I wish it. Certainly—If you wish it. Only remem-ber, he added, more obstinately than ever,* that I differ entirely from Julians view. Inmy opinion the woman has no claim on us. A passing movement of irritation escaped A Cozmcil of Three, 177 Julian for the first time. Dont be hard,Horace, he sai

. The new Magdalen : a novel . room at the same time—apparently with the intention of leaving Itby the door at the opposite end. You are not going away ? exclaimedLady Janet. I see no use In my remaining here, re-plied Horace, not very graciously. In that case, retorted Lady Janet, re-main here because I wish it. Certainly—If you wish it. Only remem-ber, he added, more obstinately than ever,* that I differ entirely from Julians view. Inmy opinion the woman has no claim on us. A passing movement of irritation escaped A Cozmcil of Three, 177 Julian for the first time. Dont be hard,Horace, he said, sharply. All women havea claim on us. They had unconsciously gathered together,in the heat of the little debate, turning theirbacks on the library door. At the last wordsof the reproof administered by Julian toHorace, their attention was recalled to passingevents by the slight noise produced by theopening and closing of the door. With oneaccord, the three turned and looked in thedirection from which the sound had VOL. I. 12

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Keywords: ., bookauthorcollinswilkie18241889, bookcentury1800, bookdecade1870