Of justification : four disputations clearing and amicably defending the truth, against the unnecessary oppositions of divers learned and reverend brethren . Jving heard that Mr, diflikgd fome things inmyA~phortfms^andhy the perfwa/ions offome intended a Confu-tation of them : I wrote to him an ear*ntjl Ttyuejl, that he mould acquaintmewith what he dijlikgd , annexing hisIfeafbns to convince me of my Errors, pro-fefsing my earncjl T>efire of Information,efpecially from him : To which he re*plyed, as followeth; Deai. Tear Sir, Have indeed declared to fome, who happilymay have informed you of

Of justification : four disputations clearing and amicably defending the truth, against the unnecessary oppositions of divers learned and reverend brethren . Jving heard that Mr, diflikgd fome things inmyA~phortfms^andhy the perfwa/ions offome intended a Confu-tation of them : I wrote to him an ear*ntjl Ttyuejl, that he mould acquaintmewith what he dijlikgd , annexing hisIfeafbns to convince me of my Errors, pro-fefsing my earncjl T>efire of Information,efpecially from him : To which he re*plyed, as followeth; Deai. Tear Sir, Have indeed declared to fome, who happilymay have informed you of it, as I defired,that there were feveral Do&rinal pointsaflerted in your Book, to which I could notpedtbtts ire, much lefs corde; fuch are manypofitions about Chrifts Righteoufnefs, aboutfaiths Juftifkation in your fenfe, and the Efficacy of new Obe-dience in this work as well as faith. Yea Love made fome kind ofthe actings of Faith : The good old found definition of Faithwaved, and a new one fubftituted. Not the ™*credere, but the™ operxri alfo called into Evangelical Righceoufnefs, and thismade our pcrfonal Righteoufnefs. Th-fe things and diversothers do make me vehemently diffent from you in the matersaflerted. Yet I do really honour you, for your great Abilitiesand zealous Piety,earneftly defiring of God that he would pro-long your life, and have mercy upon hss Church by fyaring thisEpaphroditur. But whereas you have been told, that I had animadverfions onyour Book, this was a miftake : for the tru

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