Wagon wheel ruts on old coach road, Escort Rock, Eugowra, New South Wales. Location of Australia's largest gold robbery in 1862

Escort Rock is the location where on 16 June, 1862 Frank Gardiner and his gang of bushrangers held up an armed gold escort and stole 2,719 ounces of gold ( kg) and £3,700 in cash.

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Photo credit: © Ian Beattie / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: australia, boulders, bushrangers, couch, crime, escort, eugowra, frank, gardiner, gold, granite, heritage, highwaymen, hills, historical, holdup, outback, road, robbery, rock, rush, ruts, site, south, theft, wagon, wales, wheel, woodland