
disburse discount discounts distrain distraint doings exchange drawings duty paid economically economy election emblematical emblematically encumber with debts encumbered encumbers enterprise excessive indebtedness extension factoring false family fees finance financial management financing fiscal reform foreign formation freely fluctuating gambling on the stock game games granting gross wage guarantor guiltiness have monay heavily indebted human illiquidity impecunious impoverish in inability to inable return indigent inland revenue insolvencies insolvency insolvent insolvently installment instalment charge due earned balances invest issue items job journalism labour lease contract leasing agreement liabilities exceeding assets loss make managerial-economics marred media lender moneys monition motion national debt finances net wages neutral notions original out funds over overdraft overdue notice overextension overindebted owe pauper bills into offs payments payments-in payments-out penniless pennilessly play political politics price erosion / pricing pressure prices private prizes productive prolifically quality life raise rates real estate rebate refund refunding reinstatement repayment repayments replicated replicates richer richly rise rises ruin save saver savers scuttles securities seizure shall society spec speculate speculation state profits subtraction subtractions switch switcher switches symbolically take-home takings examiniation load tax-payer taxpayers things toys trade transferals unable unpaid unpropertied vouch for bargaining increase increases negotiations warning wealth wealthy withdrawal without xeroxed xeroxes accident advance asset at home bill broke coincidence crash customer divorced dynamic earning expense institution firm gain graphic hire hiring housekeeping impost inform levy live luck movement PAYE penny person plan poor problematic promoted rent rich richness safety saving separated separation store strain photo picture symbolical vote

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