Fishing cat ( Prionailurus viverrinus), Captive, Port Lympne Wild Animal Park, Kent, UK. Female with young

Fishing Cat Prionailurus viverrinus About twice the size of a domestic cat, the stocky and powerful fishing cat lives in mangroves, reed beds and riparian forest from northern India through Nepal, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. In Indonesia it occurs on Sumatra and Java. With short legs, a shortish, thick tail and partially webbed forepaws it is perfectly adapted to a semi-aquatic lifestyle. Considered rare and sparsely distributed throughout it's range, this cat's association with wetlands - which are under increasing human pressure throughout Asia - does not bode well for its continued survival. The fishing cat sits quietly at the water's edge waiting to pounce on unsuspecting prey swimming by, or will wade in shallow water feeling for prey on the bottom with their forepaws. It is thought that they catch crustaceans like this, in much the same way as the short-clawed otter, a species with whom they share much of their range and habitat. Small prey items may be hooked out of the water with a paw but the fishing cat will not hesitate to enter deep water or even dive after larger prey. In addition to fish they eat waterfowl and mammals up to the size of small deer.

Size: 5132px × 3532px
Photo credit: © Pardofelis Photography / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: amphibious, animal, aquatic, asia, asian, breeding, captive, carnivore, cat, eating, felid, feline, felis, fish, fishing, forest, indonesia, jungle, kit, kitten, lympne, mammal, mangrove, marsh, park, port, predator, prionailurus, rainforest, riparian, river, spotted, threatened, viverrinus, water, wetland, wild, wildcat, wildlife, young, zoo