Caption: Axu, Sichuan, China - Aug 2003. A young Khampa girl at the monastery in Axu, a remote area in the former Tibetan kingdom of Kham. There is li

Caption: Axu, Sichuan, China - Aug 2003. A young Khampa girl at the monastery in Axu, a remote area in the former Tibetan kingdom of Kham. There is little chance for these primarily nomadic girls to be able to go to school or receive an education in Kham. Families need help with the cattle, and if there is an opportunity for a family member to go to school it would surely be a boy. Nunneries are rare and not funded while monasteries, financed by the community, ensure a decent education. A government school exists in Axu, but the fee is much too high for the majority of nomadic families. Credit: Leisa Contact: Legal Notice: Any use of this picture is subject to a license agreement entered into by the user and AsiaWorks Photography Ltd. All other rights reserved. Any re-use and redistribution of this image is prohibited. For sales enquiries regarding any additional use of this or other pictures from AsiaWorks Photography please contact

Size: 3510px × 5340px
Location: Garze, Sichua
Photo credit: © Leisa Tyler / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: asian, asians, axu, child, chinese, culture, cultures, ethnic, ethnicity, exteriors, face, female, girl, indoor, indoors, interior, interiors, kampa, kampas, kham, khampa, khampas, kid, nojp, nomad, nomadic, nomads, outdoor, outdoors, people, person, portrait, portraits, portraiture, smile, smiles, smiling, tibet, tradition, tribal, tribe, tribes, visage, young