Berlin, Mitte Sophie-Gips-HöfeHistoric 19th century building in Sophienstrasse & late 20th century addition,Hoffman Gallery. Word art on facade

Berlin, Mitte Sophie-Gips-Höfe Historic 19th century building in Sophienstrasse & late 20th century addition,Hoffman Gallery on top floor with Lawrence Weiner, MILK AND HONEY TAKEN FAR FAR AWAY, 1994, word sculpture, Historic building in Sophienstrasse built in the 19th century by H. Mehlich as a residential and commercial complex. The listed building, designed by architects Gebert und Söhne, was initially used as a sewing machine factory and later as a Bicycle chain factory. In GDR times, the factory was used for the production of medical equipment. The property and the neighbouring Gipsstrasse property were acquired by Erika and Rolf Hoffmann in 1995 who wished to accommodate their Contemporary Art Collection (Sammlung Hoffman may be viewed by appointment). The factory was renovated and converted to gallery space, loft offices and apartments. Old details were preserved and this included the signs of war Roof was replaced by a modern construction and a new building with underground garage was built to designs of architects Architects Becker, Gewers, Kühn and Kühn on the Gipsstrasse site.

Size: 4540px × 3027px
Location: Gipsstraße 12, 10119 Berlin, Germany
Photo credit: © Eden Breitz / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: &, 1994, 19th, 20th, added, addition, architects, architectural, architecture, art, artwork, becker, berlin, brick, building, capital, century, city, collection, covered, details, deutsch, deutschland, enlarged, eu, europe, exterior, facade, factory, floor, gallery, gebert, german, germany, gewers, gips, gipstrasse, hauptstadt, heritage-protected, hoffman, honey, honig, ivy, lawrence, listed, machine, mehlich, milch, milk, mitte, modernized, original, rebuilt, renovated, sammlung, saved, sculpture, sewing, sophie, sophienstrasse, top, und, urban, weggebracht, weiner, weit, word, öfe, öhne, ühn