The antiquities of England and Wales . le Mario, Medmenham, &c. to the value of 661I. 14s. od. perann. for the maintenance of an abbot, who was to have the pri-vilege of wearing a mitre, and thirteen Benedictine monks. Butthis new abbey was of fhort continuance, being furrendered30 Henry VIII. June 19, 1539, three years after its inftitution. The fite of it was granted 7 Edward VI. to Sir Edward Hoby,in whofe defcendants it continued till the year 1768, when thelaft of that name dying, bequeathed it to John Mill, efq; theprefent proprietor, who by act of parliament took upon him thename of Hob

The antiquities of England and Wales . le Mario, Medmenham, &c. to the value of 661I. 14s. od. perann. for the maintenance of an abbot, who was to have the pri-vilege of wearing a mitre, and thirteen Benedictine monks. Butthis new abbey was of fhort continuance, being furrendered30 Henry VIII. June 19, 1539, three years after its inftitution. The fite of it was granted 7 Edward VI. to Sir Edward Hoby,in whofe defcendants it continued till the year 1768, when thelaft of that name dying, bequeathed it to John Mill, efq; theprefent proprietor, who by act of parliament took upon him thename of Hoby. In the charter of the nrft foundation, this mo-naftery is faid to be dedicated to our Lord Jefus Chrift, and thebleffed Virgin his Mother; and in that of the fecond foundationto the bleffed Virgin Mary; yet in the time of Richard II. andin both the furrenders, it is (tiled the Conventual Church of theHoly Trinity. At the diffolution a penfion of 661. 13s. 4d. wasafligned to abbot Cowdrey, who had, as I find (fays Browne Willis). BERKSHIRE. Is an inland county, that contained the whole of that Britifti principality inhabited bythe Atrebatii, who are fuppofed to have been originally from Gaul. When Conftantinedivided the ifland into Roman provinces in 310, this principality was included in Bri-tannia Prima, the firft divifion, whofe boundaries were the Englifli Channel on thefouth, and the Thames and Severn on the north. On the Romans quitting the ifland,and civil diflentions enabling the Saxons to eftablifh the Heptarchy, this part of thecountry was included in the kingdom of the Weft Saxons, which commenced in 519,and continued till 828, when it became the only remaining fovoreignty, having con-quered all the others, and they were incorporated by the name of England, underEgbert; whofe grandfon, Alfred, a native of Wantage in this county, in 889 dividedhis kingdom into counties, hundreds and parifhes, and at that time this divifion firftreceived its appellation of Berkfliire

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