Thailand, Kanchanaburi. WWII Siam Burma Death Railway British built steam engine locomotive

Siam Burma Death Railway, Second World War construction project by the Imperial Japanese Army using Allied PoW servicemen from Britain, Australia, Netherlands, United States as forced labour many who would perish due to tropical diseases, starvation, cruelty and brutality by their Japanese captors. Over 100,000 local people from across Asia were also forced into slave labour. Today the Bridge on the River Kwai made famous in the movie film of the same name bore no resemblance to the real Bridge and the British PoW's were not complicit in the Bridges construction as suggested in the film. Interestingly the author of the book never made the journey to Thailand to see the real bridge for himself. Today the railway journey from BANGKOK to Nam Tok is a major tourist attraction.

Size: 5500px × 3661px
Location: Thailand, Kanchanaburi
Photo credit: © Allan Hartley / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

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