Muybridge motion study. Series of early photographs showing a nude woman pouring a basin of water over herself. These photographs were obtained by Eng

Muybridge motion study. Series of early photographs showing a nude woman pouring a basin of water over herself. These photographs were obtained by English photographer Eadweard J. Muybridge (1830-1904) in his pioneering work that began in the 1870s, documenting the motion of animals and humans. His most famous study was of a galloping horse, but he also studied the motions of humans. This series of photographs was published in Muybridge's work 'Animals in motion: an electro-photographic investigation of consecutive phases of muscular actions' (1907).

Size: 3875px × 2773px
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: ., 1900s, 1907, 20th, adult, albumen, america, american, anatomical, anatomy, animals, biological, biology, biomechanics, black--white, camera, caucasian, century, consecutive, eadweard, early, electro-photographic, experiment, female, high, high-speed, historical, history, human, investigation, monochrome, motion, movement, muybridge, naked, north, nude, nudity, people, person, phases, photograph, photographic, photography, physiological, physiology, pioneer, pioneering, pouring, print, research, sequence, series, speed, states, studio, study, subject, test, united, usa, water, woman