. The sacred theory of the earth: containing an account of the original of the earth, and of all the general changes which it hath already undergone, or is to undergo, till the consummation of all things ... ings to come, more than up-oa things prefcnt. Thefe I know, by certain B J Expe^ 6 The Theory of the Earth. Experience, to be but trifles; and if therebe nothing more confiderable to come, thewhole being of Man is no better than a there is room enough before us in that weC2i\l Eternity^ for great and Noble Scenes; andthe Mind of Man feels it felf leiTend andftraitenM in this low

. The sacred theory of the earth: containing an account of the original of the earth, and of all the general changes which it hath already undergone, or is to undergo, till the consummation of all things ... ings to come, more than up-oa things prefcnt. Thefe I know, by certain B J Expe^ 6 The Theory of the Earth. Experience, to be but trifles; and if therebe nothing more confiderable to come, thewhole being of Man is no better than a there is room enough before us in that weC2i\l Eternity^ for great and Noble Scenes; andthe Mind of Man feels it felf leiTend andftraitenM in this low and narrow ftate ; wifhesand waits to fee fomething greater. And if itcould difcern another World a coming, on thisfide Eternal Life; a beginning Glory, the heftthat Earth can bear, it would be a kind of Im-mortality to enjoy that profpeft before-hand ;To fee, when this Theatre is diilolv^d, wherewe fliall aft next, and what Parts. WhatSaints and Heroes, if I may fo fay, will appearupon that Stage; and with what Luftre andExcellency. How eafy would it be,under a viewof thefe Futurities, to defpife the little Pompsand Honours, and the momentary Pleafures ofa Mortal Life. But I proceed to our C H A p. Concerning the Conflagration. 7 C H A P. 11. The true {late of the Queftlon is Tropos^d. *Tis the general doBrine of the oAntients^ thatthe pefent Worlds or the prefent frame ofNature^ is mutable and feYifhahle: To whichthe Sacred Books agree; and Natural Reafoncan alledge nothing againft it. WHEN we fpeak of the End or Deftru-aion of the World, whether by Fireor otherwife, tis not to be imagind that weunderftand this of the Great Univerfe; Sun,Moon, and Stars, and the Higheft Heavens;as if thefe were to perifli or bedeftroyd fomefew years hence, whether by Fire or any 0-ther way. This Queflion is only to be under-ftood of the Sublunary Worlds of this Earth andits Furniture ; which had its Original about fixthoufand years ago, according to the Hiftoryof Mofesy and hath on

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Keywords: ., bookauthorburnetthoma, booksubjectcosmology, booksubjectcreation