American journal of pharmacy . T LICORICE. LICORICE root, select. Ammoniacal Glycyrrhizin for masking the bitter taste of Sulphate of Quinia. MANUFACTURED BY MELLOR & RITTENHOUSE, JVo. 218 North 22d Street, PHILADELPHIA. E. SCHEFFER, Louisville, Ky. Manufactures by his improved method SACCHARATED PEPSIN, which hasproven its superiority over other Pepsins by its stability and uniformity, and by its agreeable taste. In digestive power it corresponds to the stancard adopted by the committee on the 6th revisionof the U. S. Pharmacopoeia which is as follows: One part dissolved in 500 parts of water

American journal of pharmacy . T LICORICE. LICORICE root, select. Ammoniacal Glycyrrhizin for masking the bitter taste of Sulphate of Quinia. MANUFACTURED BY MELLOR & RITTENHOUSE, JVo. 218 North 22d Street, PHILADELPHIA. E. SCHEFFER, Louisville, Ky. Manufactures by his improved method SACCHARATED PEPSIN, which hasproven its superiority over other Pepsins by its stability and uniformity, and by its agreeable taste. In digestive power it corresponds to the stancard adopted by the committee on the 6th revisionof the U. S. Pharmacopoeia which is as follows: One part dissolved in 500 parts of water,acidulated with parts of hydrochloric acid, should digest at least 50 parts of hard-boiledEgg Albumen in 5 to 6 hours at ioo° to 1040 F. DRY PEPSIN, CONCENTRATED, possessing 8 times the strength of thebove, particularly recommended to manufacturers. Premiums were awarded to the above preparations at the International ExDOSitlOIl at Vienna, 1873 and the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia, Am. J. Ph.] 7 [April, 1884. ESTABLISHED 1822. ROSENGARTEN & SONS,MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS,PHILADELPHIA. Silver edal Awarded by Franklin Institute, Nov., 1874,FOR PURITY OF CHEMICAL PREPARATIONS. Sulphate of Quinine. Muriate of Quinine, Citrate of Iron and Quinine,Sulphate of Cinchonine, Sulphate of Cinchonidine,Sulphate of Quinidine, Bromide of Ammonium,Bromide of Potassium,Nitrate of Silver, Sulphate of Morphine. Acetate of Morphine,Muriate of MorphineNitrate of Ammonia,Hypophosphites, Subnitrate of Bismuth,Spirits of Nitre,C. P. Acids,Tannin, AND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OP FINE CHEMICALS. Extract from Report of the Judges at the Exhibition of the Franklin Institute, PhiladelphiaNovember, 1874, in regard to Chemicals exhibited by Rosengarten & Sons. These gentlemen exhibit quite a list of Chemicals, and claim for them superior purityconsidered as commercial articles. The Committee have caretully examined a number ofthem and find this claim fully substantiated, some of the articles being al

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Keywords: ., bookcentury1800, bookidamerica, booksubjectpharmacy, bookyear1835