Silver seas cruise ship stopver Charlottetown Prince Edward Island. Pictures from The Green Gables farm and house owned by the MacNeill family, who we

Silver seas cruise ship stopver Charlottetown Prince Edward Island. Pictures from The Green Gables farm and house owned by the MacNeill family, who were cousins of author Lucy Maud Montgomery. The farm's name is derived from the rich dark green paint of the gables on the farmhouse. The main exterior walls of the farmhouse are painted white. Montgomery visited the farm as a young girl and based the location of her best-selling Anne series of books on the Green Gables farm. She drew romantic inspiration from the house, as well as the surrounding area, including the "Haunted Woods", "Lovers' Lane", and "Balsam Hollow." Visitors try out the buggy. Pictures Neville Marriner

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Photo credit: © Neville Marriner / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: canada, charlotte, cruise, holidays, seas, silver, tourists