Stone carvings on the shrine wall at Chennakesava Temple, Hoysala Architecture, Somanthpur, Karnataka, India. Uppermost panel is a frieze of erotic sc

Stone carvings on the shrine wall at Chennakesava Temple, Hoysala Architecture, Somanthpur, Karnataka, India. Uppermost panel is a frieze of erotic scenes, each scene flanked by double pilasters, followed by a row of deities, each framed by pilasters with pediments. A narrow panel below this has mythological scenes, including a samudra-manthan panel. Next is a foliage scroll, followed by a row of warriors on foot and horses ending with elephant procession

Size: 4752px × 3168px
Location: Somnathpura, Karnataka, India
Photo credit: © Mitali Rajadhitya / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1268, ad, ancient, architecture, bas, bas-relief, basrelief, carving, celestial, chennakesava, culture, damsels, decorated, deity, design, god, goddess, grunge, heritage, hindu, hinduism, historical, history, hoysala, iii, india, indian, karnataka, king, landmark, monument, multicolored, nadu, narasimha, pantheon, religion, religious, sacred, sculpture, shilabalika, shrine, soma, somnathpur, somnathpura, south, statue, stone, temple, temples, tourist, tower, travel, vacation, vaishanivism, vijayanagara, vimana