CHELSEA. Carlyle's House, 24 Cheyne Row. SMALL 1900 old antique print picture

Artist/engraver/cartographer: Unsigned. Provenance: "An Illustrated Historical Handbook to the Parish of Chelsea"; by Reginald Blunt; Published for the author by Lamely & Co., London [Chelsea handbook]. Type: Antique book illustration.

Size: 2024px × 2756px
Location: Chelsea
Photo credit: © Antiqua Print Gallery / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1900, 20th, antique, author, blunt, book, carlyle, century, chelsea, cheyne, handbook, historic, historical, house, houses, illustrated, illustration, lamely, london, parish, print, reginald, row, twentieth, vintage