Hardware merchandising January-June 1897 . e all decorating theirstores in honor of the Queens Jubilee. These country merchants were noticed inToronto this week : Messrs. J. H. Glendin-ning, Sunderland ; —Padget, of Padget &Hay, Unionville ; H. Keys, Weston ; R. , Lansing ; W. J. Morrish, HighlandCreek ; W. H. Manning, Coldwater. Mr. Henry Clucas, one of the westerntravelers for the Canada Paint Co., was inToronto on Wednesday. Mr. Clucas is anative of the Isle of Man, and to hear himrecite My own Elian Vannin, the gem ofthe sea, is worth going some Clucas is full of remini

Hardware merchandising January-June 1897 . e all decorating theirstores in honor of the Queens Jubilee. These country merchants were noticed inToronto this week : Messrs. J. H. Glendin-ning, Sunderland ; —Padget, of Padget &Hay, Unionville ; H. Keys, Weston ; R. , Lansing ; W. J. Morrish, HighlandCreek ; W. H. Manning, Coldwater. Mr. Henry Clucas, one of the westerntravelers for the Canada Paint Co., was inToronto on Wednesday. Mr. Clucas is anative of the Isle of Man, and to hear himrecite My own Elian Vannin, the gem ofthe sea, is worth going some Clucas is full of reminiscences of Manx-land, famed in song and story, and bidsfair to outrival Hall Caine as a raconteur. ?? ESTABLISHED 1839. SEYMOUR CUTLERY CO. Successors to Henry Seymour Cutlery and factory . . HOLYOKE, MASSACHUSETTS, -^aBjpjgBgg Every pair of Seymour Shears is fully warranted,and if found imperfect from any cause will be replacedwith perfect shears. Manufacturers of . . Shears, Scissors and . . Sheep Shears. All Seymour Shears are water hardened and are the best made. No commission house is sole agent for the genuine Seymour Shears. Write for catalogue and prices. ? ? 10 HARDWARE AND METAL ...FIRE Large Prices. Ask For Our Quotations. W. McNALLY <£ CO. MONTREAL. TRADE NOTES FROM HALIFAX. THE employes in the Dartmouth RopeWorks have been notified to look outfor other employment. It is givenout that if a change is not made in tariff, work will be suspended in-definitely. The Liberals contend that thecompany have no intention of shutting downand are merely working up a scare. The Starr Manufacturing Co. are alsotalking of suspending operations on accountof the tariff. John Forbes, of the ForbesManufacturing Co., says he has no com-plaint to make against the new tariff. Itsuits him. Evidently the two big skatefactories have different ideas of the workingof the tari

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Keywords: ., bookcentury1800, booksubjectbu, booksubjectimplementsutensilsetc