Conservation and research of brown kiwi, North island, New Zealand. Biologist Sasha Hunter holds kiwi caught to fit radio transmitter

Conservation and research of brown kiwi in commercial tree plantation, Waimarino Forest, Raetihi. North island, New Kerry Oates holds adult male kiwi while Sasha Hunter removes egg from nest as part of operation Nest Egg where eggs are removed from areas with high risk of chick predation. Chicks are raised in captivity and released when too large for predation by stoats, weasels, ferrets and other introduced predators.

Size: 4300px × 2855px
Photo credit: © Rakiura Photography / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: apteryx, bird, brown, commercial, conservation, egg, endangered, flightless, forest, intervention, island, kiwi, mantelli, nest, north, ohakune, operation, plantation, practical, radio, raetihi., rare, telemetry, tracking, waimarino, wingless, zealand