YVELINES. Ecuries du Roi, Versailles 1831 old antique vintage print picture

Artist/engraver/cartographer: Engraved by Fenner Sears & ; drawn by J. Nash. Provenance: "Paris and its environs"; The drawings made under the direction of Mr. Pugin, and Engraved under the Superintendance of Mr. C. Heath, Published by Jennings & Chaplin, London [Pugin's Paris & its environs]. Type: Antique steel engraved print.

Size: 3312px × 1862px
Location: Yvelines
Photo credit: © Antiqua Print Gallery / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1831, 19th, antique, century, chaplin, direction, drawn, ecuries, engraved, environs, fenner, heath, horses, jennings, london, nash, nineteenth, paris, print, pugin, roi, sears, steel, superintendance, versailles, vintage, yvelines