ROME. Piazza of Capitol. Gallery Antiques 1872 old print picture

Artist/engraver/cartographer: Engraved by Hurel; D. Lancelot. Provenance: "Rome" by Francis Wey with an introduction by Story; published by Chapman and Hall, London [Wey's Rome]. Type: Antique wood engraving.

Size: 2784px × 1812px
Location: Rome
Photo credit: © Antiqua Print Gallery / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1872, academy, antiques, arch, arches, capitol, celebrities, coelian, descent, dolabella, domnica, extracts, flying, foot, funzione, gallery, game, gate, john, lebrun, luke, maria, martyrs, matha, mathurins, melodrama, mme, mora, morning, museum, paul, piazza, print, registers, rock, rome, rotondo, santa, st, stefano, street, tarpeian, thorwaldsen, trinitarians, tullianum, vigee, walk, wicar