Pagoda at Ramisseram, The Ramanathaswamy temple, on the island of Rameswaram at the extreme southeast of the Indian peninsula. The site has strong ass

Pagoda at Ramisseram, The Ramanathaswamy temple, on the island of Rameswaram at the extreme southeast of the Indian peninsula. The site has strong associations with Rama's return from Sri Lanka and with the worship of Siva. Image taken from Twenty four views in St Helena, the Cape, India, Ceylon, the Red Sea, Abyssinia and Egypt. Originally published in London, William Miller, 1809. Illustrated by Henrry Salt, I Bluck.

Size: 5709px × 3957px
Photo credit: © BRITISH LIBRARY/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: ancient, artwork, asia, bluck, buddhism, building, cape, complex, complexes, engraving, generic, helena, henrry, historical, history, illustration, image, india, pagoda, period, rameswaram, religious, salt, south, st, structure, style, techniques, temple, temples, twenty, views, visual, works