Charles Goad London Vol III Insurance keyplan. City of London 1955 old map

Insurance Plan of London Vol III - Reprinted September 1955 - Key Plan. Artist/engraver/cartographer: Charles Goad & Co. Provenance: Charles E. Goad Ltd., 56 Crouch Hill, London N4. Type: Lithographed map with original hand colouring. These very scarce maps were prepared by the civil engineering firm Charles Goad and Co for insurance and related purposes. The circulation of these plans amongst insurance companies, fire brigades and other interested parties was strictly controlled by Goad on a rental basis, and apparently never sold. They were revised and updated, sometimes for decades after publication

Size: 6243px × 7473px
Location: London
Photo credit: © Antiqua Print Gallery / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1955, 20th, antique, apparently, basis, brigades, century, charles, circulation, city, civil, colouring, companies, controlled, crouch, engineering, fire, firm, goad, hand, hill, iii, insurance, interested, key, keyplan, lithographed, london, map, maps, n4, original, parties, plan, plans, purposes, related, rental, reprinted, scarce, september, strictly, twentieth, vintage, vol