Long Barn, Kennington. Close to St. Anselm's Church 1827 old antique print

Long Barn, Kennington. Artist/engraver/cartographer: Thomas Allen. Provenance: "The History and Antiquities of the Parish of Lambeth, and the Archiepiscopal Palace in the County of Surrey", by Thomas Allen, published for J. Allen, 23 Prince's Road, Kennington. Type: Antique engraved print. The Long Barn, Kennington, was originally part of the original royal palace belonging to the estate of the Prince of Wales (Duchy of Cornwall). In 1756 Long Barn Farm was tenanted to William Austin for 21 years at a rent of £60 plus 'half of all the gravel and sand dug from the premises'. It existed as stables until the early 19th century and was demolished in 1875. It is roughly on the site of St Anselm's church, Kennington, which has famously been described as "barn-like"

Size: 3293px × 2328px
Location: London
Photo credit: © Antiqua Print Gallery / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1756, 1827, 19th, allen, anselm, antique, antiquities, archiepiscopal, austin, barn, belonging, century, church, close, cornwall, county, duchy, engraved, estate, farm, historic, history, houses, kennington, lambeth, london, long, nineteenth, original, originally, palace, parish, part, prince, print, road, royal, st, surrey, tenanted, thomas, vintage, wales, william