YACHT FLAGS. Red & White (2) 1908 old antique vintage print picture

Distinguishing Flags of Yachts - Sigrun, M. Goliasch - Little Mary, Capt. Sandeman, - Amalie, E. Speidel - Wensum, Lacey - Clio May, W. Fife - Luciana, Rolim - Acushla Buckie Jennie Kelvin, W. Scott Hay Ward - Rose, Frame, Pyxis Dr. Wm Boyd - Gaivota ll, Infante Don Alfonso - Helen, Sproulle. - Mimosa, A. Chaperon - Hamburg, Hamburgischer , Maggie, Brown - Ida, Lean, Foam, R. Foster - M Amie, Dr. K. Kohmann - Clementina, Harrison - Albingia, Dr. E. Mylius - Queenie, W. H. Moss, Osprey, Lamb, Sirocco, E. W. Knox - Galatea, Mrs W. Henn, Mimosa, Dr. J. Casares - Mowe, Lt. V. Schweitzer-Hagenbruch, Una, Browne - Tilly, Black Sea - Minota, Atkin - Sport, Lindstrom - Hjordis, O. Akerman - Rheola, Capt E. Hall. - Kondor, W. Reinicke - Creole, Lt. Col. Villiers Bagot, Liebe, Kaiserlicher Marine - Trixie, Monteath, Vladimir, R. Clark - Riva, J. Bruce, Sesa, Seibel & Sartori - Shibbeal, Neill, Claymore, Fitzgerald - Lilymaid, Jackson. - Violet, Rev. G. Gordon, Arline, Jackson - Volta, M. Finck - Bantam, Walton - Nancy, T. Marriott - Canty Queen, Marquis of Ailsa - Carrice, P. P. Yuritsin - Godiva, R. W. Ekblom - Yetta, J. Vatrican - Hertha, L. Bielfeld - Saga, Bloch - Galatea, Capt H. Brand - Zabi, J. Buffet - Elfin, Todd, Pixie, Sergeant - Jeannette, Wm Stevenson Jr - Nordstern, Prof. R. Thoma - Cymbula Zingara, Cockrell - Elbe, R. Schulke - Violetta, A. Aymar - Peterina, Capt. Pulteney - Maddalena, De. Angeli - Lavengro, H. Arthus - Doreen Min, J. Hoyten Rutter - Corsar, H. Weckerling & C. Wertheim, Magne ll, O. M. Holwech - Louise, Baron R. De Wendel - Ituna, Fred. H. Stevens - Jap, Nathaniel Ross - Bel-Ami, Mouret &Barquin - Gloriana, P. P. Alexander - Boree, P. Bilhaud - Thais, F. Maroni - Kelpie, J. Connor - Charmeress, Count G. Tarsis - Moonflower, Durell - Nereid, J. D. Bannatyne. Artist/engraver/cartographer:

Size: 2401px × 2088px
Location: Sailing
Photo credit: © Antiqua Print Gallery / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1908, acushla, alfonso, amalie, antique, boyd, buckie, capt, chaperon, clio, distinguishing, don, dr, fife, flags, frame, gaivota, goliasch, hamburg, hamburgischer, hay, helen, infante, jennie, kelvin, lacey, ll, luciana, maggie, mary, mimosa, picture, print, pyxis, red, rolim, rose, sandeman, scott, sigrun, speidel, sproulle, vintage, ward, wensum, white, wm, yacht, yachts