Blue Bird Cigars
In the early 20th century, tobacco was in great demand. Many companies issued products, like cigars, into the marketplace. To differentiate their brand, they hired artists to design fancy labels for the boxes and the cigars themselves. Many names were also given to these brands and often these names were take from current events, history, or people. This label is an example of the art of the period. The bluebirds are a group of medium-sized, mostly insectivorous or omnivorous bird in the order of Passerines in the genus Sialia of the thrush family (Turdidae). Bluebirds are one of the few thrush genera in the Americas.
Size: 3200px × 2200px
Location: Britain
Photo credit: © unknown / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No
Keywords: bird, blue, bluebird, cigar, cigarette, jpp, label, smo, smoke, smoking, tobacco