A commentary upon the prophet Ezekiel . ChapterII. CHAP. II. The Argument. This Chapter contains Ezekielj Commijfion for ex-ecuting his Trophetical Office, and Iufiruclionsgiven him for the difcharge of it, yer« I- IBSEfflfi^a|A^ D he [aid unto me, Son 0/Ver. i, Man.~\ This Expreflion is com-monly underftood to fignifythe fame with a common andordinary Man, as it is ufuallyexpounded in that Text, TJal. viii. 4. What isMan that thou art mindful of him, or the Son ofMan that thou vifiteft him ? So here moil: Commen-tators underftand it as applied to the Prophet, toput him in Mind of his Frailty

A commentary upon the prophet Ezekiel . ChapterII. CHAP. II. The Argument. This Chapter contains Ezekielj Commijfion for ex-ecuting his Trophetical Office, and Iufiruclionsgiven him for the difcharge of it, yer« I- IBSEfflfi^a|A^ D he [aid unto me, Son 0/Ver. i, Man.~\ This Expreflion is com-monly underftood to fignifythe fame with a common andordinary Man, as it is ufuallyexpounded in that Text, TJal. viii. 4. What isMan that thou art mindful of him, or the Son ofMan that thou vifiteft him ? So here moil: Commen-tators underftand it as applied to the Prophet, toput him in Mind of his Frailty and Mortality, andof the infinite Diftance between God and which fenfe it is fupposd to be taken when fpo-ken of Chrift in the New Teftament, implyinghis great Humility in afTuming our Nature, andappearing no other wife than an ordinary Man: D And. 18 A Commentary Chapter And (6 the Hebrew Phrafe Ben eAdam is plainlyII. ufed when it is oppofed to Ben JJIj ; and is rightlyC/^v°0 tranflated Men of low degree, or mean Men : 2. I/a. ii. 9. But ibme Criticks have obferved that thePhrafe Son of Man is likewife taken for a Man ofDignity or Character, as in Tfal. lxxx. 17. TheMan of thy Right Hand, and the Son of Man whomthou madeft jo firong for thy J elf And Pjal. Tut not your truft in Trinces, nor in the Son ofMan in whom there is no help. And there is noincongruity in fuppofing that Chrift himfelf maybe called the Son of Man >&t s^x^j by way ofEminence, as a Title denoting him to be that greatPerfon whom God promifed to raife up to be aTrince aud a Saviour of his People. And fo theTitle of Son of Man may be given to the Prophetin the Text, as one fet apart for the PropheticalOffice: in like manner as Daniel is called Son ofMan, Chap. viii. 17. who in the next Chapters haththe Title of a Man greatly belove

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