. The smoke in the temple : wherein is a designe for peace and reconciliation of believers of the several opinions of these times about ordinances, to a forbearance of each other in love and meekness, and humility. nd exenfing what theyand their Law doth condemn and excufe, and thus to bear witnefliwith their dominion and power. But in pure Gofpel-my fiery and Evangelically good orevil, I dare not ingage them (whatever others do) over confeien-ces, becaufe I give more to their juft power, and becaufe I dare notdraw them intofuch principles* which hath broken more Magiftra-cy, then al

. The smoke in the temple : wherein is a designe for peace and reconciliation of believers of the several opinions of these times about ordinances, to a forbearance of each other in love and meekness, and humility. nd exenfing what theyand their Law doth condemn and excufe, and thus to bear witnefliwith their dominion and power. But in pure Gofpel-my fiery and Evangelically good orevil, I dare not ingage them (whatever others do) over confeien-ces, becaufe I give more to their juft power, and becaufe I dare notdraw them intofuch principles* which hath broken more Magiftra-cy, then all the other plots and devices of men. For things of Worfhip which are laid up in the purefmple my fie-ry, in the Light of the Spirit, not of nature, as all meer is, to ingage the Magiflratcs {Word into thefe, is rather a wayto dafh them againft every mans confeience, and fo in time to lay ina fatalpvfter jot a fatal ft* firing* We Know that power which makes Kingdoms foundsfi in theirDominion, and mod lafting, is the trueft and wholfomeft; and furelythat which ingages them left into that part of the foul, the confei-ence which«anleft endureto be oppr^ffed, fs the fafeft andmoftpeaceable, To. Jo my Reverend learned Friend Ma£ ftcr Ley, OncofthcAflcmbJyofDivinci,at Wefiminfiet % Author of a Book cal-led The RefohtioM of the NewQuerty fublijhedby MafierSaltmarfli. SIR, Shall give ym a pubiike acaunt wording to your publikicharge in your leafe concerning me , That I intended tomake you ray Cenfor for fome papers which I did notpablifh. , tbofe papers were an anfWer to Matter Fullers laftBook; and the Queftion about Reformation betwixt him and me be~ing(o out of all guefiion, 04 Mafter Herle obferweth, and he as I hear*edy being dead, made me rather put up my Arrows into their Quiver,theenfkoot them at fitch a mark. Tor my contending frithyou in this, 1 hope it is but as that */Paul andBarnabas, WPaul and Peter, a contention ^/Brethren, not ef Ene-mies ; f

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