PICTURES OF YESTERYEAR - Managed by PPL PHOTO AGENCY - Copyright Reserved Circa 6 August 1971: Western Approaches, UK. Chay Blyth and his 59ft ketch

PICTURES OF YESTERYEAR - Managed by PPL PHOTO AGENCY - Copyright Reserved Circa 6 August 1971: Western Approaches, UK. Chay Blyth and his 59ft ketch BRITISH STEEL heading up the English Channel to sail into the record books as the first man to complete a solo non-stop West-about circumnavigation against the prevailing winds and currents. Blyth completed the 27,000 circumnavigation in 292 days. Photo Credit: Chay Blyth Archive/PPL

Size: 2520px × 2584px
Photo credit: © Barry Pickthall / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: &, aerial, black, breaker, challenge, endurance, holder, personality, pioneer, record, sail, sailing, sailor, sepia, white, yacht, yachting