Our College Times . cefully portrayed the iniquitouscurse to us and vividly presented thepicture of the closing of a closed by giving us the brightoutlook of the temperance cause. OUR COLLEGE TIMES 23 Resolutions of Sympathy. Whereas, The Death Angel hasagain entered one of our homes andcalled to his reward Mr. Harrison , brother of our beloved teacherand co-worker. Professor H. K. Ober,be it Resolved, That we, the Faculty andthe Students of Elizabethtown Collegeexpress our deepest sympathy to Pro-fessor Ober, the immediate family, andto the relatives of the bereaved. Resolved
Our College Times . cefully portrayed the iniquitouscurse to us and vividly presented thepicture of the closing of a closed by giving us the brightoutlook of the temperance cause. OUR COLLEGE TIMES 23 Resolutions of Sympathy. Whereas, The Death Angel hasagain entered one of our homes andcalled to his reward Mr. Harrison , brother of our beloved teacherand co-worker. Professor H. K. Ober,be it Resolved, That we, the Faculty andthe Students of Elizabethtown Collegeexpress our deepest sympathy to Pro-fessor Ober, the immediate family, andto the relatives of the bereaved. Resolved, That we commend thesesorrowing friends to the care of our I leavenly Father who can heal thebroken-hearted anrl comfort the trou-bled soul. Resolved. That a copy of these reso-lutions be sent to Professor Ober, andto the bereaved family, and that theybe published in The ElizabethtownHerald. The Elizabethtown Chronicle,Our College Times, and The LititzExpress. Elizabeth MyerGarfield ShearerRuth R. Landis Alumni News The joint anniversary of the Key-stone and Homerian Literary Socie-ties on the loth of April brought manyof the akimni back to the doors of ourAlma Mater. Jacob Myers, ii, de-livered an excellent oration onNational Consciousness in Educa-tion. Mr. Myers is finishing his col-lege course this year at Ursinus Col-lege. C. L. Martin, 12, served aspresident at this meeting. In a former issue we reported thatHarry Longenecker, 11, was were misinformed as to Mr. Long-eneckers whereabouts. We now wishto report that he entered the Sopho-more Class at State College last Longenecker also attended the an-niversary of the Literary the others who attended thismeeting are: B. F. Waltz, 10, L. , 09, and Andrew Hollinger, 10,and wife. Jacob Z. Herr, for some time book-keeper for the Martin & Heagy Man-ufacturing Company, is now a travel-ing salesman for that company. H. K. Carman, 05. is a clerk in thePhiladelphia post office
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Photo credit: © The Reading Room / Alamy / Afripics
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Keywords: ., bookcentury1900, bookdecade1910, bookidourcollegeti, bookyear1913