The history of England : written in French . chiefly this Diffolution was owing to the Directionof the Providence of God, whofe good Pleafure it wasto raife England by degrees, and after feveral Revolu-tions, to her prefent height of Grandeur and Power. The Conquefts of Great-Britain, and the relinquifhingof the fame by the Romans, is the Subject of the firft Bookof this Hiftory. In the fecond the largeft and nobleftPart of the I Hand is reprefented ftruggling with the Anglo-Saxons, and at laft obliged to fubmit to their Yoke. Inthe third, I have related, though in a very general Man-ner, the

The history of England : written in French . chiefly this Diffolution was owing to the Directionof the Providence of God, whofe good Pleafure it wasto raife England by degrees, and after feveral Revolu-tions, to her prefent height of Grandeur and Power. The Conquefts of Great-Britain, and the relinquifhingof the fame by the Romans, is the Subject of the firft Bookof this Hiftory. In the fecond the largeft and nobleftPart of the I Hand is reprefented ftruggling with the Anglo-Saxons, and at laft obliged to fubmit to their Yoke. Inthe third, I have related, though in a very general Man-ner, the Affairs of the Heptarchy of the Anglo-Saxons,their Wars, the Succeffion of their Kings in each of tliefeven Kingdoms, and have concluded with fhowing thisfame Heptarchy turned into a real Monarchy. It remains now that I fpeak of the Converfion of theAnglo-Saxons to the Chriftian Religion, and give a Repre-fentation of the Church of England in her Primitive State,wherein confifts the principal part of the Englijh Hiftoryduring the T II E Book III. 65 THE STATE of the Church of England, FROM THE Converfion of the Englifh, to the Dijfolution of the Heptarchy. WE have feen, in the fecond Book, the horridDefolation of the Britifh Church, whilft ex-posd to the Barbarity of the Saxons, whothought it their Duty to perfecute the Chri-Jlians. We fhall now behold thefe very Saxons from Per-fecutors grown Chriftians, by the Direction of divine Pro-vidence, which inceffantly watches for the Welfare ofMankind, forming a flourifhing Church in the fame Pla-ces where they had exercisd their Cruelties. Tis notour Bufinefs to dive into the Reafons of Gods affigningdifferent Periods to the feveral Nations of the World, forleading them into the way of Salvation. It is fufficient forus to know and admire, that when the happy time is come,not only no Obftacle can obftrudt the Execution of his De-figns, but on the contrary, every thing helps to accompliihthem : Nay, the weaker! Inftruments

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Keywords: ., bookauthoradamsjohn17351826formerownerbrl, bookauthorjohnadamsl