. The Pantheon, or, Fabulous history of the heathen gods, goddesses, heroes, &c. : explained in a manner entirely new ... adorned with figures from ancient paintings, medals, and gems ... with a dissertation on the theology and mythology of the heathens ... . hie ex-traordinary fwiftnefs. This intrigue of Jupiter, as ufual, foon came tothe ears of his jealous wife, who from that momentmeditated the deftrudion of Hercules. A favourableoccafioned offered to her refentment. Archippe, thewife of Sthenelus, king of Mycene, being pregnantat the fame time with Alcmena, Jupiter had ordain-ed, that the

. The Pantheon, or, Fabulous history of the heathen gods, goddesses, heroes, &c. : explained in a manner entirely new ... adorned with figures from ancient paintings, medals, and gems ... with a dissertation on the theology and mythology of the heathens ... . hie ex-traordinary fwiftnefs. This intrigue of Jupiter, as ufual, foon came tothe ears of his jealous wife, who from that momentmeditated the deftrudion of Hercules. A favourableoccafioned offered to her refentment. Archippe, thewife of Sthenelus, king of Mycene, being pregnantat the fame time with Alcmena, Jupiter had ordain-ed, that the child firft born fhould have the fuperiori-ty, or command over the other. Juno caufed Archippeto be delivered, at the end of feven months, of a fon,called Euryftheus, and to retard the labour of Alc-mena, in the form of an old woman fhe fat at thegate of Amphitryons palace with her legs acrofs,and her fingers interwoven. By this fecrct enchant-ment, that princefs was feven days and nights in ex-treme pains, till Galanthis, one of her attendants,feeing Juno in this fufpicious poflure, and conjedur- (a) The Eg)ptian Hercules Is reckoned the cldefl. of thefewho fignalized himfelf in the giants war, and was one of theprincipal divinities of that THE HEATHEN GODS. 129 leg the caufe, ran haflily out with the news that hermiftrcrs was dehvered. The goddefs ftarting up atthe news, Akmena was that moment freed of herburthen ; but Juno was fo incenfed at Galanthis, thatfne changed her into a weefel. During his infancy, Juno fent two ferpents to de-ftroy him in his cradle, but the undaunted childftrangled them with both his hands. After this, ashe grew up, he difcovered an uncommon ftature andftrength of body (3), as well as heroic ardour ofmind^ Thefe great qualities of nature were improv-ed by fuitable care, his education being intrufted tothe greateft maRers (4); fo that it is no wonder if,with fuch confiderable advantages, he made fuch aftiining figure in the world. His ext

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Keywords: ., bookidpantheonorfab, booksubjectmythologyclassical, bookyear1792