YACHT FLAGS. Blue Yellow Red White 1911 old antique vintage print picture

Distinguishing Flags of Yachts - Aslog Jonsson - Josephine. B. Widener & Others - Thamyris, G. Chapon - Dinorah, Conde De Castro Guimaraés - Lillie, F. Coucke - Lady Moll, Lewis Lear - Spero, W. Shelcott & W. H. Williams - Elrhuna, R. Graham - Frolic. Rev. F. Ellington. Wright - Rover, Roger - Scamp, Ratsey - Mary, Laffin - Lada, J. Belaieff - Inyoni, C. Stuart - Kestrel, T. E. Marshall - Douira Saint Jean. Ch. Meissonier - Dorcis, C. J. Ingleby & Ingleby - GEM, Cossins - Canada, Heans - Valda, J. Inglis & H. A. Salvesen - Dorothy, Cain - Chough, Ashby - Elsa, E. Eddison & Brady. Lady Glace. Capt. Cushen - Rubis, Jambaccki - Sweedler, Wintle. - Dawn. Alfred H. Illingworth - Maskee, Vaughan - Fancy, Powys - Lensahn, Den Grossherzog Von Oldenburg - Eleanor, Herzog Schleswig Holstein Glucksburg - Sirocco II, Ruys - Cabar Feidh, Landseer Mackenzie - Araignée, P. Bessand - Windeking, Poppe - Arona, G. Paisley - Dakotah, H. Allan. Mischief, E. Chamberlin - Dollydo III, Paul. JR - Ariadne, Capt. Josephi - Cyclamen, G. Lacaze - Alcina. Hickman & & E. Fielder - Hansa O. Ingman - Little Boy Blue, Manners - Encarnita. Principe Alfonso. Marques De Fontalba Y. De Cubas - Jeanne, L. J. Tarte - Nellie, A. Anatra - Djeylané Rechid Bey - Ariel, F. Guillet - Pacifique, G. Dufayel - Albion, Latham - Mignon. Miss Allan - Mona, Mildred - Sphinx, Waterhouse - Kabyle, Duff - Mimosa, Etienne - Emmina II, H. suzan - Vineta, Adams - Toro, J. Garaccio & Cie - Dame Blanche, F. Depeaux - Cocorico, F. Antonini - Vannerhawk, Saunders - Cock. A. Too, Littlehales. JR - Chryseis, L. Renault - Skua, Howard Sandbach - Feinsliebchen, V. DB. W. Spindler. Artist/engraver/cartographer: McCorquodale & Co Ltd, London NW. Provenance: "Lloyd's Register of Yachts"; Containing particulars and Distinguishing Flags of

Size: 2409px × 2101px
Location: Sailing
Photo credit: © Antiqua Print Gallery / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1911, antique, aslog, belaieff, blue, castro, chapon, conde, coucke, dinorah, distinguishing, ellington, elrhuna, flags, frolic, graham, guimaraé, inyoni, jonsson, josephine, lada, lady, laffin, lear, lewis, lillie, mary, moll, picture, print, ratsey, red, rev, roger, rover, scamp, shelcott, spero, thamyris, vintage, white, widener, williams, wright, yacht, yachts, yellow