EUROPE. Austrian Empire Prussia Poland. Slave market pic. RAPKIN/TALLIS 1851 map

Europe. Artist/engraver/cartographer: Map drawn and engraved by J. Rapkin; vignette illustrations drawn by J Marchant & engraved by J Rogers. Published by John Tallis & Co. Provenance: "Tallis's Illustrated Atlas and Modern History of the World, Geographical, Political, Commercial and Statistical", edited by R Montgomery Martin Esq., published by John Tallis and Company, London & New York. Type: Antique engraved map by J Rapkin, published by John Tallis. Original outline hand colour, decorative border, and attractive inset vignette views. Vignettes: Seal hunting; Lapland Travellers; Russian Travellers; Ships; Arab and camel; Slave Market

Size: 3950px × 3045px
Location: Europe
Photo credit: © Antiqua Print Gallery / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1851, 19th, antique, atlas, austrian, border, century, colour, commercial, company, drawn, empire, engraved, europe, geographical, hand, history, illustrated, inset, john, london, map, marchant, market, martin, modern, montgomery, nineteenth, original, outline, pic, poland, political, prussia, rapkin, rogers, slave, statistical, tallis, views, vignette, vintage, world, york