. The sacred theory of the earth: containing an account of the original of the earth, and of all the general changes which it hath already undergone, or is to undergo, till the consummation of all things ... their Reli-gion in feveral parts of the Rumaji Empire,and of the ChriftianizM World. And canwe call fuch Times the Reign of Chrift, orthe Imprifonment of Satan ? In the following Ages, Concerning the New Heavens^ ?rc- 249 Ages, the Turks over-run the Eaftern Empireand the Greek Church, and ftill hold thatmiferable People in Slavery. Providence feemsto have fo orderd Affairs, that the Chrif

. The sacred theory of the earth: containing an account of the original of the earth, and of all the general changes which it hath already undergone, or is to undergo, till the consummation of all things ... their Reli-gion in feveral parts of the Rumaji Empire,and of the ChriftianizM World. And canwe call fuch Times the Reign of Chrift, orthe Imprifonment of Satan ? In the following Ages, Concerning the New Heavens^ ?rc- 249 Ages, the Turks over-run the Eaftern Empireand the Greek Church, and ftill hold thatmiferable People in Slavery. Providence feemsto have fo orderd Affairs, that the ChriftianWorld fhould never be without a W O Eupon it, left it (liould fanfie it felf already inthofe happy Days of Peace and Profperity,which are refervM for future times. Laftly,Whofoever is fenfible of the Corruptions andPerfecutions of the Church of Rome^ fince fhecame to her Greatnefs; whofoever allows herto be Myftical Bah)lo?i^ which muft fall be-fore the Kingdom of Chrift comes on, willthink that Kingdom duly placM by St. Johnat the end of his Prophecies, concerning theChriftian Church: and that there ftill re*viains^ according to the Words of St. ^atd^(Hebr. ) a Sahbatifm to the Teo^le ( Chap. i,^o The Theory of the E a r t h. Chap. VL The fence andteftimony of the Trimitive Churchconcernhng /-Z?^ Millennium, or future Kjng-dam of Chrifi : from the Times of the oApo^files to the Nicene Council. The fecond Tro^fofition laid down, When^ hy what mea?is^> a7td for what reafo7ts^ that doctrine wasafterwards negletied or difcou?itenanc*d. YOU have heard the Voice of th^ oApofiles^ declaring the future King-dom of Chrill, Next to thefe, the TrimitiveFathers are accounted of good authority ; Letus therefore now enquire into their Senfe con-cerning this Doftrine, that we may give fatis-faction to all parties ; And both thofe that areguided by Scripture alone, and thofe that havea Veneration for Antiquity, may find proofsfuitable to their inclinations and and

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Keywords: ., bookauthorburnetthoma, booksubjectcosmology, booksubjectcreation