Celebrity rowing boat at Lyme Regis the cobb boats yachts coastal town in West Dorset england uk gb

Step forward Lumbers’ Captain Dominic Gomersall and his merry crew: Olympic rower Gary Reid, Leicestershire businessmen Ian Mattioli and Andy Lyon, and The crew will be completed by another Tigers star for the 2010 challenge. It may have started as a mid-life crisis on Dominic’s part, but the Lumbers John O’Groats to Land’s End rowing challenge this July will not only be a momentous journey. It will also raise tens of thousands of pounds – the target is £150,000 – for four charities. They money raised will be split equally between the Samantha Dickson Brain Tumour Trust, the Rainbows Children’s Hospice in Loughborough, the Prince’s Trust and the RNLI.

Size: 5184px × 3455px
Location: Lyme Regis the cobb boats yachts coastal town in West Dorset england uk gb
Photo credit: © Colin Palmer Photography / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: andy, awareness, bassett, boats, brain, businessmen, captain, challenge, children’, cobb, destination, dickson, dominic, dorset, gary, gomersall, harbour, holidaymakers, hospice, ian, john, land’, leicestershire, loughborough, lumbers, lyme, lyon, mattioli, money, olympic, paul, prince’, rainbows, raise, regis, reid, rnli., rower, rowing, samantha, sand, tourists, town, travel, trust, tumour, view, west, yachts, ’groats