BIRDS OF INDIA. Indian spotted owlet (Carine noctua brama) 1924 old print

The Indian spotted owlet (Carine noctua brama). Artist/engraver/cartographer: Thomas Bainbrigge Fletcher. Provenance: "Birds of an Indian Garden"; by T. Bainbrigge Fletcherd, Published by Thacker, Spink & Co., London . Type: Colour vintage print.

Size: 2560px × 1677px
Location: Birds
Photo credit: © Antiqua Print Gallery / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1924, 20th, antique, bainbrigge, birds, brama, carine, century, colour, fletcher, fletcherd, garden, india, indian, london, noctua, owlet, print, spink, spotted, thacker, thomas bainbrigge, twentieth, vintage